2x2x2 Octahedron Ghost Cube


2x2x2 Octahedron Ghost cube a hand made puzzle.

Seller : Manqube

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The interesting 2x2x2 Octahedron Ghost Cube is a twist on the classic 2x2x2 cube. This puzzle undergoes an amazing transformation that yields an octahedron-like shape. For fans of puzzles, its elaborate design provides an additional layer of intricacy and difficulty. The Octahedron Ghost Cube’s unusual shape offers a novel approach to puzzle-solving while pushing one’s capacity for spatial reasoning and problem-solving. To unlock its secrets, this intriguing cube’s smooth, angular sides require careful handling and strategic thought. Prepare to go on a journey that will both fascinate and confound you as you explore the universe of the 2x2x2 Octahedron Ghost Cube.

Lead time : Since it is hand made custom puzzle, it will take 1-2 weeks to finish the puzzle. Kindly wait for your puzzle for a while. We will ship once it is ready.

Customize : you can customize your own version using following PLA colour and sticker colour. Mention customization, if any, in note at checkout.

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Available PLA Colour : White, Black, Pink, Blue, Gray, Yellow, Orange, Red, Green

Available Sticker Colour : White, Black, Pink, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red, Green


75 x75 mm


200 Grams

Default Body Colour


Default Sticker colour


3d Extension Materla



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