Icosahedron Skewb Cube


Icosahedron Skewb cube is a hand made puzzle

Seller : Manqube

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A standard Skewb cube magically transforms into an icosahedron Skewb cube, which is a spectacular metamorphosis. Utilising extensions made via 3D printing that were specifically designed for this technique results in an amazing process. The end result is a fascinating mix of forms and architecture that gives the already intriguing Skewb cube a new depth. The once-familiar Skewb cube transcends its initial form and takes on the fascinating shape of an icosahedron through the careful application of these painstakingly crafted embellishments. The application of 3D printing technology demonstrates not only the amazing potential of contemporary invention, but also the inventiveness and imagination of those who wish to push the limits of geometric puzzles. Get ready to be mesmerised by the stunning complexity and beauty of  the Icosahedron Skewb Cube, a testament to the boundless potential of human imagination.

Lead time : Since it is hand made custom puzzle, it will take 1-2 weeks to finish the puzzle. Kindly wait for your puzzle for a while. We will ship once it is ready.

Customize : you can customize your own version using following PLA and sticker colours.

Available PLA Colours : White, Black, Pink, Blue, Gray, Yellow, Orange, Red, Green

Available Sticker Colours : White, Black, Pink, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Red, Green

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Body colour


Sticker colour



100 mm x 100 mm


200 Grams

3d Extension Material



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